Finding the Perfect Cake Topper
Every bride looks forward to her big day, but the planning can cause so much stress. Brides do their best to ensure everything is perfect right down to the smallest detail. Not only do they want to make a favorable impression on their guests but they also want their day to be beautiful and memorable. For African-Americans or those of color, this task may be a little more daunting. Products such as nude colored lipstick, nude colored pantyhose and flesh tone under garments do not match the skin color. They have many asking "nude colored for who?" When it comes down to wedding cake toppers, finding a figurine with matching skin and hair color, the choices were slim.
Well, gone are the days of the lackluster choices of hair and skin color. At Jubilee Favors, we have products to meet your needs. Many of our ethnic cake toppers can be customized to match your hair and skin color. We also feature mix and match or interchangeable cake toppers so that you can mix your brides and grooms, a perfect option for interracial couples. Check out our site for a vast collection of bride and groom cake topper figurines and other decorative toppers.
Jubilee Favors has a vast collection of wedding supplies and favors. Not sure what theme to go with? Browse our site to view our collections by theme.
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